2022 is coming to an end, the year in which we finally stop talking about Covid and we are getting tired of hearing the word metaverse. Another vertigo year in which we as PR professionals once again demonstrate our capacity of adaptation and resilience. Are these the two key characteristics of a public relations professional?
As every December, it is time to review and forecast what the new year will bring. As 2023 looks to be full of inflation and economic uncertainty, we take a look at some trends in the PR and Comms professional field:
True-news against toxic noise
In 2023, the challenge of positioning companies, spokespersons and organisations as defenders of truthfulness, as well as respectful actors of the journalistic profession, will continue. Faced with a panorama of continuous information intoxication, journalism must reinforce what gives them respect and social credibility: truthful information. And, from our position, we must facilitate and defend this aspect against all kinds of pressures. True news is a key right for our society. We must defend it firmly.
ESG & DEI, priorities for an uncertain economic situation
People care about the future of the planet, the people, the environment and the societies in which we live. Next year will be the real test of how convinced and committed companies are to sustainability, corporate responsibility, equality and other ESG and DEI strategies. Stakeholders will demand not just commitments and words, but real action. Companies that do not take this into account will be missing out on a differentiating and profitable aspect of the business. Short-term business strategies should not neglect the long-term impact on society in the face of a likely economic downturn.
New rules, new opportunities
With users turning their attention to new formats, such as ultra-connected on-demand TV or podcasts, new business models are emerging in response to new consumption habits. Likewise, communication and public relations must also continue to evolve and find their place in this new field, which will undoubtedly present new rules. Those who know how to adapt themselves will be able to take advantage of the great opportunities that will be generated.
Digital education to protect our reality
Digital warfare, metaverse, phishing, digital privacy… The barrier between our real and digital lives is becoming increasingly blurred. In the coming years, cybercrime is expected not only to continue, but to take increasingly sophisticated and difficult to combat forms. This is where cybersecurity and especially digital education will become crucial. Communication professionals working in the fields of innovation and technology must play a relevant role as information and education channels for the benefit of society.
Estela Cayon, LF Channel Madrid Office Director