A toast between wine and solidarity

30 Sep 2022

We are very proud of taking part in the Verema Solidària initiative, which supports social projects fighting poverty and social exclusion. Under the slogan “Cut with poverty and social exclusion”, between the end of August and the beginning of October, this solidarity grape harvest is organized in different wineries, which includes grape picking, explanation of each winery, wine tasting, and a popular meal. This is the fifth year that LF Channel participates in this initiative with a financial donation. Over the past few years, we have attended different wineries and supported different third-sector projects.


What is “Verema Solidària”?

The “Verema Solidària” project was created in 2016 by Rubén Parera, who runs the Finca Parera winery in Alt Penedès. A winery located near Montserrat, in the village of Sant Llorenç d’Hortons, a historic area of Xarel-lo production. They cultivate according to the precepts of biodynamic agriculture, following ancestral practices to express the full potential of the soil, promote the landscape, and care for the land in a natural way. The initiative was joined by Impulsa Fundraising, a non-profit organization that offers help in the field of financing to third-sector entities. In response to the difficulties faced by many people living in social vulnerability, both decided to launch the “Verema Solidària”, in which different wineries in Catalonia reached out to provide financial support to social organizations.

The “Verema Solidària” project receives many donations each year from companies, organizations, and individuals. This action aims to raise awareness, and promote solidarity and the creation of shared value, driving a current of social commitment to creating opportunities for the people who need them most. Specifically, during the harvest day at Finca Parera we were more than 200 people who supported this cause.

This year, the profits obtained from the harvest at the Finca Parera winery will go to the SaóPrat organisation in Prat de Llobregat. The SaóPrat association was founded in 2004 by three religious’ institutions – Conceptionists, Teresians and Marists – who since 1992 have been actively involved in the neighbourhoods of Santo Cosme and San Jorge del Prat de Llobregat developing voluntary work linked to education and citizen construction.


A teambuilding event washed down with wine and a commitment to the local community

It is important to us at LF Channel to support solidarity projects, contributing a grain of sand to the fight against social injustices. We also value the involvement of our team, and we want them to understand the importance of collaborating in causes like this one.

In addition, we learned how the grape harvest was done and… Even some of our team members were able to tread grapes, just as they used to do in the old days!

As part of these solidarity actions, we also share experiences in a different environment than we do daily and learn more about our colleagues.

It was a very special day among vineyards that we are sure to remember!

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